DSC: The Podcast
Welcome to DSC: The Podcast. Do what you can in life. Seek answers from various sources. Contemplate on the things that you’ve learned. Where guests share their professions, hobbies, and experiences. DISCLAIMER: The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the Podcast's host, guests, listeners, and viewers on this podcast solely belong to those who expresses them. They do not necessarily represent their employers, affiliated organizations, committee or other group or individual. You may reach us in dscoutcamp2019@gmail.com
DSC: The Podcast
In the Know: Performance Coaching
OJC Liu/ LR Dellas Llagas
Season 1
Episode 8
Sharing his experiences in practicing Performance Coaching and his development in leading various individuals, we have an Assistant Leader Trainer in Scouting, and also the youngest BPO Ben Carl LLC Program Manager at 27 years old, let's listen in to Mr. Lauro Reuben Delas Llagas.
For those interested to get in touch with Lauro, you may send him an email at lau.delasllagas@gmail.com.
*Languages used in this episode are English and Filipino